How would your gymnast feel if she knew EXACTLY how to consistently perform her best (even under pressure), overcome fears & mental blocks, learn upgrades efficiently, build her confidence, and accomplish her goals??

Maybe your gymnast…

  • Gets so nervous at meets & ends up not performing her best, despite doing well in practice
  • Is so frustrated because she suddenly got a mental block on a skill she’s been doing for years. She doesn’t even know what she’s afraid of, she “just can’t go for it”
  • Is coming back from an injury and feeling a bit more hesitant and cautious because she doesn’t want to get injured again
  • Has been working on a specific upgrade for what seems like forever and just can’t get it
  • Is so self-critical which results in self-sabotage
  • Gets so anxious that it’s hard for her to enjoy the sport 
  • Has really big goals and is looking for a way to set herself apart from everyone else

Maybe you…

  • Want nothing more than to help your gymnast in her struggles, but are at a loss of what to do
  • Get nervous at meets wondering if she’s going to actually go for that skill she’s been struggling on
  • Wish her stress and frustration didn’t negatively impact your entire family on meet days
  • Just want her to see how truly amazing she is
What if the solution is simpler than you think and your gymnast just needs the tools to manage these situations??

Tangible tools and skills to utilize in practice & meets that allow her to regain power over the one thing that controls everything else…HER MIND!!

“The skills that Emily has shared with me have helped me to achieve new goals physically, but more importantly, mentally. This has been a great tool to overcome tough obstacles and challenges that have been placed in my way. I am so grateful for Emily’s support and guidance.” - Lacie

Maybe you’ve thought that all of this stress is just a normal part of gymnastics…only because you didn’t know there was another way.

Maybe you’ve thought “she just needs to tough it out”...except that oftentimes ends up making things worse.

Or maybe you have heard of mental performance coaching, but thought that would make her look “weak”...even though the gymnasts who are training their minds are consistently outperforming everyone else. 

Here’s the thing though…

I’ve worked with many, many gymnasts teaching them these exact skills, and have witnessed SO many success stories!! 

I’ve seen these gymnasts…

  • Go from being so nervous at meets (feeling sick and shaking), to managing their nerves and competing confidently 
  • Go from refusing to do any backwards skills, to nailing their back walkover back handspring series on beam (and many, many other mental blocks)
  • Receive scholarships to amazing universities
  • Return from an injury feeling eager & confident
  • Master upgrade after upgrade after upgrade
  • Go from being on the verge of quitting due to frustration, to consistently ending up on the podium at meets
  • Qualify elite
  • Improve their consistency and set themselves apart from their competition
  • Control their stress so that they can enjoy their sport

There is nothing more satisfying to me than helping a gymnast reach her goals!! 

“My competitive gymnast daughter began working with Emily a couple of years ago, after dealing with some mental blocks on skills. She has come so far in terms of confidence and mental toughness since she began her athlete mental coaching journey! The tools she has been given are invaluable not only for her gymnastics career, but as general life skills outside the gym as well. I highly recommend Champion Mindset Consulting for any athlete - not just those struggling - to help them reach their full potential.” - Debi

This program includes:

  • Training to learn how to shift her thinking in order to use it to her advantage
  • Skills to teach her how to calm tension and relax to compete confidently
  • Training to teach her how to use self-talk in a way that is super effective, and not just giving “sunshine and rainbows” reminders to herself
  • Skills to help her overcome her perfectionism, and learn to stop being so self-critical and sabotaging herself
  • Specific skills and tips to prepare for meets days in advance (no more laying in bed stressing about routines)
  • Specific instruction to teach her how to utilize all of her mental skills in practice and at meets
  • Step-by-step instructions to create an effective pre-competition routine (mental “warm-up”)
  • Skills to speed up how quickly she can master a new skill
  • And so much more!

“Emily has been invaluable in helping our daughter develop the mental skillset needed to perform and compete in the higher levels in gymnastics. We are truly grateful for her and all she has done for our athlete.” - Lauren 

Champion Mindset Academy™ for Gymnasts


Champion Mindset Academy™

for Gymnasts

A step-by-step training program for gymnasts to unleash their potential and compete with confidence

Hi I’m Emily - your mental performance coach!

After I received my master’s degree in sport & exercise psychology, I began coaching athletes (mainly gymnasts & dancers) to help them improve their performance with the use of mental skills. These gymnasts started seeing awesome results which caught the eye of other gymnasts, who then decided they wanted to incorporate mental performance coaching into their training regimen too...and the cycle continued.

It’s kind of hard to ignore when someone keeps progressing and performing so well over and over. I LOVED helping all of them reach their goals and knew there had to be a way that I could provide mental performance coaching to all gymnasts!

This form of training really is non-negotiable for serious gymnasts, and while I believe group seminars regarding mindset are wonderful…I firmly believe that there is nothing that can replace, or be as effective as, individualized coaching. No “cookie cutter” coaching here!!

This is why I’ve created
Champion Mindset Academy™ for Gymnasts - the most effective, streamlined training program available on its own (for gymnasts who wish to be independent) OR in combination with one-on-one coaching sessions (available in person or via video call)!

Champion Mindset Academy™ for Gymnasts is a self-paced, online training program. It's been created with convenience in mind for the busiest schedules & is a more cost-effective option as compared to one-on-one coaching! This program will take your gymnast from constant stress, pressure, and underperforming….


  • Feeling in control of her performances 
  • Setting herself up for success & achieving her goals
  • Knowing how to manage her thoughts and emotions 
  • Having the mental strength and stamina to overcome tough skills, coaches, and situations
  • Consistently performing confidently 
  • Reaching her full potential

“I began working with Emily to learn techniques to be confident and calm in my competitive gymnastics meets. I worked throughout the season on various mental tools that helped me achieve my best gymnastics. For my most important meets, I felt relaxed and confident thanks to my work with Champion Mindset. Emily offers so many great techniques for mental toughness and positivity.” - Victoria

Check Out the Curriculum

  Module 1: Introduction to Your Training Program
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Reach Your Dreams (Without the Overwhelm!)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Mastering Your Thoughts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: See It to Achieve It!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: The Power of Your Words
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Managing Arousal Levels
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Control Where Your Focus Goes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: Putting It All Together!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9: Let's Go Nail This Meet!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 10: It's Time to Level Up!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 11: You've Got This!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 12: How Are You Doing?
Available in days
days after you enroll


By the end of this program, your gymnast will have…

  • Learned many different mental skills and how to implement them at practice and meets
  • Created a pre-competition routine/mental “warm up”
  • Learned how to break down physical skills and apply her mental skills in order to perfect & master upgrades efficiently
  • A plan of how to approach meets in the nights leading up to them
  • Lessened the overwhelm and pressure she currently experiences to bring joy back into the sport

“Mental training has helped me drastically. I have learned how to control my emotions with different personalized techniques that help me stay calm and collected….I am able to find the good in the bad days that I experience, and I don't get down on myself when I have a rough day. Learning how to use imagery and visualization has helped me stay calm and remember that I know what to do in situations, instead of thinking that everything could go wrong. I now feel motivation to keep striving to the top and look forward to what the future has to bring!” - Abi

Who is this program for??
Recommended for gymnasts 12 years old and up. If a parent plans to assist the child, then younger gymnasts can begin the program as well. Not recommended for gymnasts younger than 10 years old.
Gymnasts with big goal and dreams
Gymnasts who are serious about their sport 
Gymnasts who want an edge over their competition
Gymnasts who want to be present and have fun during competitions

“We can see and feel the difference in her confidence and her ability to deal with stress from her sport…” - Cydya


What is Champion Mindset Academy™ for Gymnasts? 

Champion Mindset Academy™ for Gymnasts is the step-by-step training program for gymnasts to unleash their potential and compete with confidence. This training program includes 12 modules full of 30+ video lessons, worksheets, and other material that I use to teach the skills they need to master in order to control their mind, and in turn, control their performance. I’ve also included a self-assessment so that the gymnast can monitor their progress.

What is Mental Performance Coaching? 

Mental performance coaching is, in short, the most effective form of performance enhancement. Through mental performance coaching, the gymnast learns many different mental skills which allows her to consistently perform her best, reach her goals, master upgrades, prevent and/or overcome mental blocks, manage her thoughts and emotions, and more! 

Who is this program for? 

In order for the gymnast to understand the concepts and skills, I recommend this program for athletes age 12 y.o. and up. However, if a parent plans to be present & assist the gymnast with the program, then younger gymnasts may participate (even still, I still would not recommend it for gymnasts younger than 10 y.o.). 

How long before my gymnast starts seeing results? 

Every gymnasts’ situation is different. However, on average I would say that if the gymnast is consistently putting the time and effort into their training and practicing the mental skills, they could begin seeing changes within a few weeks. 

The gymnast must commit to learning and practicing all of the mental skills taught in the program. These are skills and they take practice just like physical skills take practice. If the gymnast is not taking the time to practice & implement the skills, they will not see the results they are looking for. Simply watching the lessons in the videos will not cut it. I’ve provided a suggested schedule in the program to keep the gymnast from rushing through the videos, and instead, take their time practicing & utilizing all of the skills for best results. 

How long do I have access to the program? 

Once you buy the course, you have lifetime access, which means your gymnast can go back and revisit lessons whenever she needs a refresher! You will be grandfathered into any and all updates (no price increase for you!). 

When does the program start and finish?

The program starts as soon as you start and never, ever ends! It is completely self-paced, and the skills are ones that will be utilized for the entirety of your gymnastics career.

Is there a payment plan option?

Yes! You can pay at your own pace with our Buy Now, Pay Later options. Choose Affirm or Afterpay at checkout & select the payment plan that you like best!

The use of this course is solely for the individual purchaser. With your purchase, you agree not to share, copy, redistribute, or modify any part of this training program. Any form of sharing, copying, redistributing or modifying will result in immediate termination from the program without refund.

Please see 'Terms of Use' for more.


Contact us at: [email protected]

Refund Policy:
I am SO confident that you'll love this program...I guarantee it!*
If you are unhappy with the program, you can request a refund within 14 days of purchasing.
*But remember, this program will teach your gymnast all she needs to know. SHE is the one who has to do the work, practice the skills, implement them, etc. All I ask is that you send proof that your gymnast implemented the required work & still saw NO improvement, and I’ll refund you!