"Emily has worked with my daughter for a little over a year and has created a wonderful relationship with her! My daughter is a ballet dancer and struggles with confidence and perfectionism that has at times inhibited her growth as a dancer. Emily has been very helpful in her dance journey and instrumental in getting her into a better overall mindset with dance. My daughter has felt tremendously comfortable with her and she has served as a grounding force and sounding board for her. We are so grateful to work with her!" - Anonymous

Maybe your dancer…

  • Is riddled with nerves when it’s performance or competition time
  • Performs beautifully in class, but doesn’t perform to her full ability in auditions
  • Has built the belief within herself that she’s “just not a turner” (or any other limiting belief)
  • Freezes at the mention of improv
  • Is a perfectionist and one of the most self-critical people you know
  • Has really big goals, but isn’t sure she can actually achieve them
  • Wants to set herself apart from the other dancers in the room, but instead ends up comparing herself to all the other dancers in the room
  • Is coming back from an injury & feeling a bit hesitant or cautious

Maybe you…

  • Want nothing more than to help your dancer reach her goals, but aren’t sure where to start
  • Know that focusing on the “outside things” (such as mindset, nutrition, cross-training, recovery, etc.) will give her the edge she’s looking for
  • Want to feel confident that her performance anxiety isn’t going to get the best of her while you’re watching from the audience 
  • Want her to truly know just how beautiful and amazing she really is!
"Emily has made such a positive impact on me mentally. From the basic exercises and talking through thoughts and ideas, I have more control over my inner thoughts resulting in better dancing. Emily takes the time to discuss details that happened during the week and gives out great ideas to me to solve any hiccups I’ve had during the week, helping me learn how to map my way through things when something can be mentally challenging. I appreciate all the time Emily has dedicated to me and making me a mentally stronger person." - Keagan P. 

Here’s the thing…

I’ve worked with so many dancers teaching these exact skills, and have witnessed SO many success stories!!

I’ve seen these dancers…

  • Go from feeling so nervous before performances, to managing their nerves and being fully present on stage
  • Go from feeling like they can’t stop overthinking or comparing themselves to others, to knowing how to manage their thoughts 
  • Go from not being able to see their own talent, to understanding what they are truly capable of 
  • Compete on some of the biggest stages around the world and maintain their confidence the entire time
  • Earn scholarships to their dream ballet schools and summer intensives
  • Learn to step out of their comfort zone & find new styles of dance that they enjoy
  • Master new variations, solos, or even combinations in class, that they previously would’ve assumed were too difficult for them
  • Change their view of perfectionism and strengthen the passion they feel for dance
  • Return to the studio after an injury

There’s nothing I love more than watching a dancer reach their goals & perform to their full ability while maintaining a healthy mindset along the way!

"Working with Mrs. Emily this past year at Champion Mindset Consulting has been a game changer for my physical and mental performance as a dancer. I came in feeling unsure of my capabilities as a dancer and less confident in myself, but I came out more confident and mentally stronger than ever. Thank you Mrs. Emily at CMC for helping me reach where I am now!" - Bella M.
Hi I’m Emily - your mental performance coach!

After I received my master’s degree in sport & exercise psychology, I began coaching athletes (mainly dancers and gymnasts) to help them improve their performance with the use of mental skills. I grew up doing ballet pre-professionally, so I know firsthand how difficult and demanding the dance world is physically AND mentally.

Many dancers have a very “type-A”, perfectionistic personality. They have really big goals, but are often super self-critical of themselves. Oftentimes, this comes from a good place - they have big expectations and are eager to achieve their goals. BUT what they don’t realize is that the constant nitpicking is actually causing more frustration, slows their progress, and drops their confidence.

This form of training is non-negotiable for serious dancers, and while I believe group seminars regarding mindset are wonderful…I firmly believe that there is nothing that can replace, or be as effective as, individualized coaching. Mental performance coaching is something that I wish I had access to when I was dancing. My goal now is to make mental performance coaching accessible to all dancers!

This is why I’ve created Champion Mindset Academy™ for Dancers - the most effective, streamlined training program available on its own (for dancers who wish to be independent) OR in combination with one-on-one coaching sessions (available in person or via video call)!

I can’t wait to meet you! Let’s get to work! 

"Since starting mental performance coaching with Ms. Emily, I have been able to more efficiently and productively achieve my goals and pursue my dream of becoming a professional dancer. I never knew the impact coaching the mind could have on my dance performance. Using tools and strategies given to me during our time together, I am able to be more intentional and focused in my dance training. In competition and performance settings, I have a clear plan to approach my performance present, focused, prepared, and calm. Working with Ms. Emily has helped me learn mental skills and create a positive mindset that enables me to become a better dancer." - Ellery S.


"Emily shared many tools to use both on and off the stage. These tools helped to relieve my stress and calm down my emotions. She was great at helping me find solutions if there was something I needed help with. Overall, I loved working with Emily and I thoroughly recommend her!" - Anonymous
Who is this program for??
DANCERS! Recommended for dancers 12 years old and up. If a parent plans to assist the child, then younger dancers can begin the program as well. Not recommended for dancers younger than 10 years old.
Dancers who are serious about what they do and have big goals and dreams
Dancers who want to feel confident and present on stage
Dancers who are tired of overthinking and comparing themselves to others
Dancers who want to be a step ahead in setting themselves up for a successful dance career
Refund Policy:
I am SO confident that you'll love this program...I guarantee it!*
If you are unhappy with the program, you can request a refund within 14 days of purchasing.**

*Remember, this program will teach your dancer all she/he needs to know. SHE/HE is the one who has to do the work, practice the skills, implement them, etc. All I ask is that you send proof that your dancer implemented the required work & still saw NO improvement, and I’ll refund you!
**If any coaching sessions have been used within the 14 days, the value of those coaching sessions will be deducted from the total cost, and the remainder will be refunded.
“The ways in which Mental Performance Coaching has improved my relationship with dance are immeasurable. Emily has provided me with so many helpful skills that have helped better my performance on stage and in the classroom. These new skills have allowed me to be more confident, strong, and also relaxed in a way to present my best self and enjoy the process. The exercises provided through Mental Performance Coaching are not only helpful when it comes to the pressures of training and performance but also very helpful during day to day life." - Isabella T.